April 1st 2016, PHOYOK HERB CO., LTD. received good news from FDA that..
" PHOYOK HERBAL BALM was approved to register as
“Traditional Medicine Household Remedy, Registration number G227/59
with its trademark “PHOYOK HERBAL BALM Formola 2”
Till then, we have developed its appearance to create the outstanding, difference and identify of our product with the details below.
No. 1 : At the front of box, we add “formula 2” text and drug registration number G227/59
No. 2: Box cover, add text “Household Remedy” and “formula 2”
No. 3 At the side of box, add text "家庭用藥" and change the barcode
Large pack: 8 859142 400252 Small pack: 8 859142 400269
Add text “formula 2”
No.4 At the back of box, add text "NEW!! 新裝!! "
No. 5: Add Bodhi tree on the label and change herb picture below. Then add text “Household Remedy”
No. 6 Side lebel
Thai: add text “formula 2"
Chinesee : add text "家庭用藥" and " 家庭用藥字號 G 227/59 "
No. 7 Change the leaftlet
Chinese : add text"家庭用藥" and " 家庭用藥字號 G 227/59 "
Thai : add text “Household Remedy” and
"Traditional Medicine, Registration number G227/59"
Distribution type stated below
1. Large- small pack : 3 bottles containing size
2. Large pack with 3 bottles with 1 small bottle for free.
3. Single pack with 6 bottles per pack (Coming Soon)
If any distribution interested in purchasing or any customer would like to purchase for you,
but have no idea where to buy.
Please kindly contact PHOYOK HERB CO., LTD.
for more information Tel +66 2 539 5867
from 08.00 am- 05.00pm daily except Sunday and Official Holiday.